The FM-1000WA is a wideband FM broadcast amplifier that will produce
1000 watts power in uninterrupted service 24 hours a day, with the greatest
security, thanks to the technical solutions employed which are very reliable.
No tuning of the input is required due to the wideband input stage of the
amplifier. Only 16 watts is required to produce the full 1000 watts output! The
use of micro-strip technology and push-pull mosfets along with a simple
structure dramatically increases reliability.
This amplifier
has SWR and thermal protection which protects the amplifier
in the case a mismatch or defective cooling system, reducing or eliminating
down time. Front panel LED's permit monitoring of SWR, thermal and
current drain problems. In other words this amplifier is very well
protected! A recommended driver for this unit would be one of the 20 watt
units below.